It is with great excitement that we would like to announce the Wake New Hope Fire Department received our ISO grade from NC OSFM (North Carolina Office of State Fire Marshal) this morning: The Wake New Hope Fire District was rated a 2 / 9e, effective 10/1/2020!
What is the “ISO” grade?
The Public Protection Classification program (ISO) is a rating system with a range from 1 (best) to 10 (worst) that numerically ranks a community’s fire protection system. Class 1 represents an excellent fire protection system, and class 10 indicates virtually no protection.
Areas within 5 miles of the stations receive an ISO grade of 2. The few areas that are outside of the 5 mile district, but within 6 miles receive a grade 9e.
The Wake New Hope Fire Department was rated a class 4 at our last evaluation; through the hard work, training, and dedication of our members, we were able to improve our rating.
We would like to also thank our surrounding departments that assist us in obtaining this rating.
Again, thanks for all the hard work from our members that made this improvement possible!
If you are interested in learning more about the ISO grading system please visit OSFM ISO information page.