New Apparatus Numbers

The Eastern Wake County Fire Departments are standardizing their unit numbers, and as a result, we will be renumbering several of our apparatus. With our original station being numbered 28, all of our new assignments will utilize the “28” prefix going forward.

Our primary engine from Station 1, Engine 1, will now be referred to as Engine 281
Our primary engine from Station 2, Engine 4, will now be referred to as Engine 282
Our reserve/volunteer engine from Station 2, Engine 3, will now be referred to as Engine 284
Our heavy rescue from Station 2, Rescue 14, will now be referred to as Rescue 28
Our primary brush/wildfire apparatus from Station 2, Brush 7, will now be referred to as Brush 28

July 21, 2020- Engine 1 first due to MVA / Car vs Building on Dansey Dr

Some photos of Wake New Hope Fire Department Engine 1 (dispatched as the closest engine) operating alongside the Raleigh Fire Department at a Car Vs. Building with injuries in the City of Raleigh

Two new apparatus added to the Wake New Hope FD fleet

This past weekend we added two new trucks to our fleet: Lego Engine 4 and Lego Rescue 14. Both trucks were built by WNHFD Cadet Gavin Jeckel, son of Captain Dwight Jeckel.

Designed as scale models of Engine 4 and Rescue 14, Cadet Jeckel built both using custom lego parts, and the decals were all made to scale. Cadet Jeckel ordered the hundreds of parts needed to build each truck, which he builds as a hobby.

See the Dramatic Difference a Door Can Make

In a house fire, are you safer sleeping with your bedroom doors open or closed? See the dramatic, life-saving difference a door can make.  #CloseBeforeYouDoze

Before you go to sleep, always make sure your bedroom door and the doors to all of your loved ones (kids, parents, pets) are closed. As the video bove shows, it can be a life-saving decision.


At 1945, RW911 dispatched Wake New Hope FD stations 1 and 2 for a reported mobile home fire at 1912 Old Crews Rd, in unincorporated Wake County. New Hope Car 1 (Chief Price) was first on scene, reporting a singlewide mobile home with flames visible through the roof.

Engine 4 and Knightdale 131 arrived shortly thereafter, and encountered heavy fire in the kitchen, with extension to several other rooms, and stretched a line to begin knocking down the fire. Eastern Wake Squad 38 arrived next, performed a primary search and stretched a second line into the structure to assist with fire attack.

With the initial lines knocking down most of the fire, crews from New Hope Rescue 14 and Tankers 9 and 10 performed secondary searches, which were negative, while Engine 1 was assigned at RIT. The fire was marked under control, and additional mutual aid units were returned to service. Crews remained on scene performing extensive overhaul, with Wake County EMS performing rehab. The two occupants of the dwelling were able to escape before the FD arrived, and were uninjured